Mathseeds Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
How does Mathseeds develop higher‑level thinking skills?
The Mathseeds lessons teach a variety of problem solving strategies using interactive manipulatives to solve increasingly difficult math problems. Every Mathseeds lesson also has a printable problem‑solving task targeting higher‑level critical thinking skills. These challenge students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 to develop a toolkit of strategies to reason, interpret, analyze, and solve increasingly complex problems.

1 Online Lessons Teach Strategies

Mathematical thinking and problem-solving in every lesson.
- Strategies, models, and interactive manipulatives help students learn how to solve problems.
- Mathematical models include number lines, number charts, part-part whole, number patterns, place value, number bars, graphs, and many more.
- Lessons promote thinking mathematically and developing number sense.
- Scaffolded learning enables students to apply their learning across a range of activities.
2 A Structured Approach Builds Confident Students

Identify the question, find facts, apply, and evaluate.
- Students tackle each problem using the same structure.
- Underline the question, circle the facts, and choose a strategy.
- Allows students to develop critical thinking skills whatever their ability level.
3 Printable Problem Solving Tasks for Every Lesson

200 problem solving and critical thinking activities.
- Integrates problem solving into every lesson.
- Develops higher-level thinking skills across all mathematics domains.
- Strategies include act it out, draw diagrams, write equations, use tables, mental computation, and logical thinking.
- Pages include collaborative elements and analysis where students are asked to think about their thinking, communicate this to others, and justify their mathematical reasoning.
4 Online Games

Mini games in the Arcade prepare students for more difficult problem-solving opportunities.
- Problem solving strategy games in the Games arcade develop logical thinking.
- Introduces early problem-solving thinking.
- Fun, interactive, and leveled to challenge students.
- Games include: Pack Your bags, Cow Jump, Where’s My shadow, Shape Tip, True or False.