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Grade 3 Online Math Lessons
Lesson | Lesson Name | Strand | Outcome |
151 | Counting 1000—5000 | Number & Algebra | Order numbers on a number line, counting forward and backward in thousands, hundreds and tens. Order numbers from smallest to largest. |
152 | Symmetry | Measurement & Geometry | Explore vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry. Identify images in the environment that are symmetrical. |
153 | Number Patterns 2 | Number & Algebra | Identify addition and subtraction number patterns. Explore the Fibonacci Sequence and follow a rule to create a number pattern. Identify the rule to create a number pattern. |
154 | Liters & Milliliters | Measurement & Geometry | Introduce the liter and milliliter as units of measure. Understand that 1 L = 1 liter and 1 ml = 1 milliliter, and that 1 L = 1000 ml. Determine if a vessel holds more than, less than or is equal to 1 L. Read increments on measuring jugs in liters and milliliters to determine the amount of liquid there is. |
155 | Multiplication Revision | Number & Algebra | Revise multiplication strategies including repeated addition, grouping items together and using the multiplication sign in a number sentence. Solve multiplication word problems using the ‘create a picture’ strategy to help visualize the problem. |
156 | Counting 5000—10000 | Number & Algebra | Model a number using base 10 equipment and match the number to its name. Place numbers on a number line and count forwards and backwards in thousands, hundreds and tens. Add +1, +10, +100 to a number. |
157 | Area 3 | Measurement & Geometry | Count squares to measure area. Multiply the number of squares (length) by the number of squares (width). Multiply length x width to find the area in m². |
158 | Times Tables: x2, x4 | Number & Algebra | Explore the ×2, ×4 tables. Identify patterns in a hundred chart and understand that 2 × 2 means two groups of two. |
159 | Money: Equivalent Amounts 2 | Number & Algebra | Count collections of coins and notes to determine the value. Understand that the same amount can be presented in different combinations of currency. Match different currency combinations to a given amount. Find the correct change combinations from a given amount up to $50. |
160 | Comparing & Ordering Fractions | Number & Algebra | Understand the role of the top and bottom numbers in a fraction, and use the term ‘denominator’. Compare the sizes of fractions, including mixed numbers up to 2. Order simple fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. Fractions used: 1⁄2 , 1⁄3 ,1⁄4 , 1⁄5 , 1⁄6 , 1⁄8. |
161 | Partitioning Numbers | Number & Algebra | Use place value to partition and rearrange numbers up to 9999. recognize the value of each digit in 4-digit numbers. Increase the value of numbers by addition, and compare values using mathematical symbols. |
162 | Time to the Minute | Measurement & Geometry | recognize that there are 60 minutes in an hour, and tell time to the nearest minute. |
163 | Equivalent Number Sentences | Number & Algebra | Explore the connection between addition and subtraction using wholes and parts, related number facts and equivalent number sentences. |
164 | Maps | Measurement & Geometry | Identify features and places on a simple map using basic coordinates and compass directions. |
165 | Division | Number & Algebra | Revision of grouping and sharing using the division sign and related number facts. |
166 | Odd & Even Numbers 2 | Number & Algebra | Identify odd and even numbers using skip counting by twos on number lines and charts. Explore odd and even number patterns. |
167 | Chance 3 | Statistics & Probability | Investigate different chance experiments. Identify outcomes and possibilities and record results. |
168 | Multiplication Word Problems 2 | Number & Algebra | Use multiplication facts and related number facts to solve a variety of word problems. Explore the use of different strategies to solve problems. |
169 | Prisms and Pyramids | Measurement & Geometry | Identify prisms and pyramids and describe their key features. |
170 | Addition 3 | Number & Algebra | Use vertical addition. Add two 3-digit numbers and introduce regrouping. |
171 | Times Tables 2: x8 | Number & Algebra | Explore the 4x and 8x tables. Identify number patterns and investigate the associative property of multiplication. |
172 | Kilograms & Grams | Measurement & Geometry | Measure and compare the mass of objects using grams and kilograms. Use a range of operations to solve one-step word problems involving mass. |
173 | Mental + - Strategies | Number & Algebra | Use the compensation strategy to add and subtract numbers mentally. |
174 | Data 3 | Statistics & Probability | Collect data and draw a scaled picture graph. Solve one-step and two-step questions by interpreting the information presented in the graph. |
175 | Comparing Fractions of a Collection | Number & Algebra | Investigate a half, a quarter, a third, a fifth and a tenth of a share. Understand that the denominator tells you how many groups to make. Compare quantities by comparing unit fractions with different denominators. |
176 | Times Tables 3: Mental Facts | Number & Algebra | Explore times tables, including the 3x and 6x tables. Identify number patterns and investigate the distributive property of multiplication. |
177 | Angles | Measurement & Geometry | Understand that angles are properties of 2D shapes and measures of turn. Identify angles in the environment and compare their sizes. |
178 | Subtraction with Regrouping | Number & Algebra | Apply place value to subtract two 3-digit numbers. Use a variety of strategies to demonstrate regrouping when subtracting. |
179 | Comparing Times | Measurement & Geometry | Compare the duration of an event, recognising that time can be recorded in minutes, seconds and hours. Understand the difference between am and pm time. |
180 | Equivalent Fractions | Number & Algebra | recognize equivalent fractions that are the same size or at the same point on a number line. Compare equivalent fractions. |
181 | Number Fact Families 2 | Number & Algebra | Solve problems using the commutative property of multiplication. Recognize different number combinations that make number fact families when multiplying and dividing. |
182 | Meters, Centimeters & Millimeters | Measurement & Geometry | Measure and compare objects using meters, centimeters and millimeters. Recognize which unit of measure is the most appropriate for the situation. |
183 | Solving Word Problems | Number & Algebra | Solve a variety of addition and subtraction word problems using different strategies. |
184 | Properties of 2D Shapes | Measurement & Geometry | Revise the different categories of 2D shapes and group shapes according to their attributes. |
185 | Adding Fractions | Number & Algebra | Add simple fractions that share the same denominator. Solve simple word problems. |
186 | Multiplication | Number & Algebra | Use vertical multiplication. Multiply 1 digit by 1 digit, and 2 digits by 1 digit. |
187 | Creating Graphs | Statistics & Probability | Collect data and draw a scaled bar graph. Solve one-step and two-step questions by interpreting the information presented in the graph. |
188 | Problem Solving | Number & Algebra | Solve word problems that involve the four operations. Interpret the question and determine the appropriate operation to solve the problem. |
189 | Time Word Problems | Measurement & Geometry | Solve word problems that focus on time. Use addition and subtraction to calculate time intervals in minutes. |
190 | Division 2 | Number & Algebra | Recall division facts, and solve problems where there is an unknown quotient. |
191 | Fraction Word Problems | Number & Algebra | Solve word problems that include finding the fraction of a collection of objects, equivalent fractions and adding fractions. |
192 | Perimeter | Measurement & Geometry | Find the perimeter of a variety of shapes. Calculate perimeters of shapes where all sides are given, or where there is an unknown length. Investigate shapes that have different areas but the same perimeters. |
193 | Multiplication 2 | Number & Algebra | Use a variety of strategies to multiply one-digit numbers by multiples of 10. |
194 | Rounding to the Nearest 100 | Number & Algebra | Use a number line. Identify the ‘midpoint’ and round up or down to the nearest hundred. |
195 | Fluent Facts within 1000 | Number & Algebra | Use a range of strategies to fluently add and subtract numbers up to and within 1000. |
196 | Division Word Problems | Number & Algebra | Solve word problems that involve division. Interpret the questions and determine unknown quotients. |
197 | Whole Number Fractions | Number & Algebra | Recognize that whole numbers can be written as fractions. Identify whole number fractions on a number line and compare sizes. |
198 | Measurement Data | Statistics & Probability | Measure items using centimeters and record data using a graph. Record measurements in whole numbers, halves and quarters. Interpret the results. |
199 | Fluent x ÷ within 100 | Number & Algebra | Use a range of strategies to fluently multiply and divide numbers within 100. |
200 | Area Problem Solving | Measurement & Geometry | Interpret and solve problems involving area. Find the areas of various rectangles using an additive approach. |